Lambda Mu Beta Xi was founded back in May of 2020 on a gaming platform called Imvu. I wanted to create a space where bright intelligent, And talented individuals felt respected, Trusted and at home. A space where everyone can truly be who they are as a person. A place where each of us look forward to seeing one another on a daily basis due to the fact we all maintain our true integrity. To not take things too seriously but to have fun in all and everything you do while going above and beyond for each other but most importantly for yourselves. I truly appreciate each and everyone of you for being apart of this journey and to forever upholding our principles as we move forward within the Greek community. - Founder KNOTKNICE.

Founder Nonchalant
LMBX is more than a sorority it's a family. It's somewhere that allows you to be the real you. Somewhere that you can come and let your hair down and kick your shoes off and exhale. When we talked about making a sisterhood we toss around all kinds of ideas that would make us different and make us stand out from all the rest. We are a family not just another sorority. Family have disagreements but family work things out not just walk away. Family is not perfect but no one expects you to be. We take you flaws and all and make you beautiful. Enjoy your journey with us here at LMBX. - Founder Nonchalant 💋